Monday, February 5, 2007

Tragic Event Today

Well folk's, I had an unlikely event today. You ask what could be so wrong with today.?. My day started off pretty good till i went to put on my most comfortable shirt. After about oh i say 10 mins...i get it hung a lower cabinet door handle...then all of a sudden rrriiiiipppppp! ! Oh! NO! Not My favorite _ _ _ _ _ Fud ruck. Know what i am saying!? Man what a tragic day...Will I see a brighter day...I say look up and look forward there will be another some day. have a wonderful day everyone out there...Later;>)

Saturday, January 27, 2007


This Comfortable Shirt Blog was made for those who want share there stories of there most comfortable shirt. Try not to get to out of hand but, ah forget about it...if your comfortable shirt has a nasty past lets share stories...No discretion HERE!

My story will be told very soon but i would like to here a couple of yours first. So what are you waiting for, lets here them!